Today is the First Day of the rest of your life


Live a more meaningful life day by day with First Day Chrome extension

What you get:

  • A visual reminder of how much time you may have left in your life,
  • a daily question to visualise your day ahead,
  • short inspirations of successful people
  • a bucket list to create a more fulfilled life.

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This is for You, if You

  • Want to live your life more consciously
  • Value your time
  • Want to live a more fulfilled and meaningful life
  • Are interested in Stoicism
  • Want a beautiful mortality reminder to constantly make the most of your life

Why You Will Love This

Morning question

Create your perfect day first thing in the morning

Apart from your daily work or to-do’s, the morning question helps you to think about what will make your (or even someone else’s) day great.


Mortality reminder

A gentle nudge that your lifetime is limited

Use the automatic life expectancy function or enter your own life expectancy to reminded of how valuable your time is. The circles in the background are a visual representation of your lifetime, including the time passed and the time you may have left.


Customisation options

Have it your way: Choose from different display settings such as preset or custom colors, countdown timer or clock.


Bucket list

If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail

What are some of the things you have been wanting to do for a long time already? The bucket list sits right on your desktop and reminds you of what you have to plan. Plus, having things to look forward to adds happiness to your life.


Short inspirations

You’re never too young or too old to do something great

Find inspirational stories of people that have made impact in the world and see how old they were when they made it happen. No matter where you are in life, it’s always the right moment to start.


Ready to make every day count? Get First Day for your browser.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is this free?

This is 100% free. If you like it feel free to share.

Why is it called First Day?

Every new day is the first day of the rest of your life. What are you going to do with it?

I love this. How can I support you?

I’m glad that you love this. Feel free to buy me a coffee on

How can I contact you?

I’d love to hear from you. Shoot me an email:

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